Consciousness means awareness and state of consciousness refers to the degree to which we are aware - of ourselves, others, the world around us.
All knowledge is structured in consciousness; all action is performed on the level of consciousness and all perception and experience comes through our state of consciousness. According to the Vedic world view, "As you are, so you see" meaning the world is a reflection of our own state of consciousness. Just like a man who wears red glasses sees the world as red; in fact, he can see nothing but red. In order to create any change of perception, it needs to be done on the level of consciousness. The glasses simply need to change.
Acquiring a higher state of consciousness naturally yields greater perception, broader awareness and more dynamic fruitful action. Our technique of meditation is not only a technology for the elimination of stress, but also a supreme tool for the systematic expansion of consciousness.
Everything is Self-referral; the following quote, which has been adapted from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's book, the Science of Being and Art of Living explains this concept brilliantly and provides a beautiful prescription for the Art of Behaviour:
“The influence of the atmosphere on the individual depends upon his own state of mind. According to his state of mind, the nature of the atmosphere changes. If he puts a red glass to his eye, he sees everything as red; if he looks through a green glass he sees everything as green. Whatever the individual's state of mind, the atmosphere is evaluated accordingly. The individual is responsible for the atmosphere. He creates it and in turn is influenced by it. When his mind is strong, functioning at its full potential, then he is able to make the best use of his surroundings and circumstances.
The art of action and the art of behaviour lie in making the surroundings favourable instead of unfavourable to us.
The atmosphere is there for us to use and not to make us miserable. If someone has said something, it is his action, his responsibility. If it is useful to us then we enjoy it, accept it, think about it, act on it and derive benefit from it. But if it is not useful or elevating to us, then we do not think of it again, we pay no attention to it. We do not bring it to mind and brood over it. If we do so, we shall be polluting our mind with a bad thought.
Therefore, we must so cultivate our minds that we think and act naturally in a manner which is elevating and beneficial. In this way, we will benefit ourselves and others. We do not encourage damaging or malicious thoughts either by rejecting or accepting them; indifference is the weapon to be used against negative situations in life.
This is the art of behaviour. If someone has done us an injustice, we do not harbour it or think about it; perhaps it was a mistake. If we allow it to affect our future actions towards him we are not giving him the opportunity to improve his relations with us, and we also suffer. Even if he does harbour ill-feeling towards us, we heap benefit on him and ourselves if we behave towards him with love and tolerance. In this way, we help the atmosphere to improve and the improved atmosphere serves us better. (When, during meditation) the mind is brought to the level of Being, the body is also brought to the same level. Thus by our thoughts, words and actions and even by our presence, we radiate an influence of life, peace, harmony and joyfulness."
With love,